Starring: Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Running time: 151mins

Available to Rent on Video or Buy on DVD 29th October

FedEx employee Chuck Noland (Hanks) has an obsession with time. Everything has to be on schedule and completely 100% efficient. So when there is a problem over the Christmas period, he leaves the love of his life Kelly (Hunt) at the airport telling her "I'll be right back". His plane is then caught in a magnificent storm and crashes in the Pacific Ocean. Washing up on a deserted island, Chuck is the only survivor and now has to fend for himself.

This is a Tom Hanks movie, he is on the screen 99% of the time and about 75% of that is just him. Again he gives a grandiose performance but is one of the few actors who could carry this off. His everyman image makes Chuck's plight more personal and you end up thinking what you would be like in the same situation. Hanks's transformation from normal, slightly overweight, scared, alone human being to an almost anorexic, beaded survivor is truly remarkable and worth the cost of the DVD/Video alone. Let down slightly by the 'on land' moments, this is still the first really good movie of 2001.

Audio Commentary with Robert Zemeckis & crew, Special Effects Vignettes, Trailer & TV Spots, Still Gallery, "The Charlie Rose Show" interview with Tom Hank, "Wilson: The Life & Death of a Hollywood Extra" Featurette, "The Island" Featurette , HBO "First Look" Documentary, Survivalists Documentary & Storyboard-to-Film Comparison

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