Starring: Drew Barrymore, Steve Zahn, Brittany Murphy, Adam Garcia and James Woods
Director: Penny Marshall
Running Time: 132 mins
Certificate: 12

Out to buy on DVD 10th June

Beverly (Barrymore) had her whole life planned out. She would graduate from High School and then go to College in New York that would lead to a successful career as a writer. This all changed when she met Ray (Zahn) because after seeing him for just over two months see became pregnant. In that one moment her life changed forever, she had to marry Ray, was shunned by her father (Woods) and she had a boy instead of the girl she always longed for.

A really good cast give its their all in what is basically a really dull story. The material they have to work with is just so uninspiring that it is really hard to feel anything for the characters. Drew Barrymore's Beverly just comes across as resentful towards her son, who she blames for ruining her life thus meaning you have no sympathy for the character in the slightest. The movie's only saving grace is Steve Zahn as Ray, who's fall from loveable rouge into heroin junkie is the performance of his career to date, it just a shame he didn't choose a better movie to show this talents.

HBO Making of Featurette, Drew's Trailer Tour Featurette, Bev and Ray's House: Recreating reality featurette, The Cars featurette, Beverley and Jason: Sons and Lovers featurette, Commentary by Drew Barrymore, Filmographies, Dolby Digital 5.1 and Trailers

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