Starring: Devon Sawa, Jason Schwartzman, James King, Michael Maronna and Jason Segal
Director: Dewey Nicks
Running Time: 86 mins
Certificate: 15

Dave (Sawa), Jeff (Maronna) and Sam (Segal) have scammed their way through every single test of their college careers. Their latest is going exactly to plan until Dave meets Angela (King). The problems start when Angela's obsessed stocker Ethan (Schwartzman) figures out the scam and threatens to expose the three of them unless they can get Angela to fall in love with him. Their only obstacle is that Angela is falling for Dave.

Not knowing whether to be a slapstick, gross out, romantic or black comedy, this movie is a complete mess. One minute you have a surreal song montage, the next you have masturbation jokes and then you have the usual teen angst. The movie never really settles on a theme and with it loses all sense of direction.

After showing great promise in Rushmore, Jason Schwartzman just plays a weirdo by numbers and never shows his full potential. Devon Sawa is on cruise control and the lovely James King (Yes it is a girl) just picks up a pay cheque to just look beautiful. Michael Maronna's Jeff is even more strange than Schwartzman's character, as you can never picture a ginger haired weirdo been cool or popular.

Even cameos from Neve Campbell, Gina Gershon and Cameron Diaz can't save this movie from being an unfunny mess that doesn't know what it wants to be. Avoid like the plague.


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