Contributions from:
Jason Alexander, Hank Azaria, Drew Carey, George Carlin, Billy Connolly, Andy Dick, Carrie Fisher, Whoopi Goldberg, Eric Idle, Eddie Izzard, Penn Jillette, Richard Lewis, Paul Reiser, Robin Williams and many other comedians

Paul Provenza

Running Time:
89 mins

"I've got this act that you have to see"

One hundred of the best stand-up comedians talk about a fabled joke from within comedic circles. With origins that date back to the days of Vaudeville, the joke has been shared by comics in secret for years. Now they have decided to share their favourite and very dirty joke with the world, telling it in their own unique way but it always has the same punch line, 'The Aristocrats'.

Most documentaries are about a single subject matter but when you gather together one hundred of the best stand-up comedians in the world to talk about a famous joke and then you have a recipe for hilarity.

'The Aristocrats' joke can be traced back to the days of Vaudeville. With the same introduction and the same punch line, the skill in the joke is creating the middle section. The joke became a way of showing off your improvisational skills and soon became an inside joke within the comedic community. With tales of parties revolving around the joke and comedians using it as a warm up for before they perform, it soon became a comedic standard bearer and a secret within the comedy ranks.

With the joke staying within comedy circles, it disappeared from the public consciousness until director Paul Provenza and Penn Jillette decided to share it with the world. Gathering together some of the best stand-up comedians working in the world today, they ask them to talk about the first time they heard the joke, how it has influenced their career and how they actually tell it. This is where the skill comes in and you also get an inkling into the mind of the comedian telling it.

When telling 'The Aristocrats' joke, it the middle section of the joke that gives the teller a complete free reign and it usually involves a tale of complete depravity as they describe the family's act. The more depraved, disgusting and downright rude you can get it the better as they describe acts that are illegal around the world or at least fronded upon in modern society. Of course the scenes they are describing are completely hilarious, with all the shock value to the descriptions just increasing the impact of the inevitable punch line all the more funny.

'The Aristocrats' is a fascinating insight into a joke that has been the stable of comedians for many years. Crude, rude and full of obscenities, this might be a bit much for some but for everyone else, this is a completely hilarious and a look into the world of comedy that we have never seen.


Presented in Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85:1 with a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack, the movie is presented well, especially for a documentary.


Director's commentary with Paul Provenza and Penn Jillette
The men behind the movie provide commentary on the contributors. The pair reveals how the project came about and how they got the comedians to contribute. They also talk about the comedic performances missing from the piece either by scheduling or death, who would have loved to have contributed over the evolution of the project. The fact that comedians actually don't tell jokes is actually discussed as the two reveal the origins of the joke and what intrigues them so much.

Behind the Greenroom Door (16.01 mins)
Contributors George Carlin, Paul Reiser, Larry Miller, Rita Rudner, Harry Shearer and many more talk about what attracted them to comedy, what it is like on stage and they tell their favourite joke. As many modern comedians don't actually get the chance to tell jokes, this is a chance for them to tell their favourites and it is very funny.

More from the Comedians (24.28 mins)
Contributors Bob Saget, Kevin Pollack, Pat Cooper, Jon Stewart, Phyllis Diller, Ron Jeremy, Billy the Mime and Terry Gilliam talk about contributing to the movie as we see extended footage from their interviews. We get to see a musical version of the joke, an extended mime version and how Terry Gillian's contribution was lost due to technical difficulties.

Aristocrats Competition Winners (9.50 mins)
Watch an animated version of the joke and one from a performer who interacts with the public as he tells the joke.

For Johnny Carson (2.07 mins)
Contributors talk about how Johnny would have done the joke on 'The Tonight Show'.

Theatrical Trailer (1.23 mins)
Watch the promotional trailer for the movie


With extra features that are just as hilarious as the main feature, the DVD treatment of 'The Aristocrats' is very good. The commentary track is fun and the extra footage of the comedians discussing other comedic subjects just adds to the value. Again this proves that documentaries tend have to the best DVD treatments as they are a labour of love for the filmmakers.


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