Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood, Moon Bloodgood, Jason Biggs and Gerard Plunkett

Frank Marshall

Running Time:
120 mins

Out to buy on DVD 04/09/06

"I have to go back for the dogs"

As a huge storm heads towards the Antarctic, Dr. David McClaren's (Greenwood) expedition to Mount Melbourne had to be cut short by guide Jerry Shepherd (Walker). As they head back to base on the dogsled, Dr. McClaren accidentally falls through the ice and Jerry and the dogs faced a race against time to get him back. They succeed but as the storm hit, everyone had to be evacuated but there was no room on the plane for the dogs. Wanting to get back to them, Jerry is told that all flights have been cancelled and the dogs will have to be left behind.

A story of survival in one of the harshest environments on the planet is material for a great human adventure but when the protagonists are dogs it becomes all the more incredible.

Based on true events and influenced by the Japanese film 'Nankyoku Monogatari', this story of eight stranded huskies surviving in the extreme conditions of Antarctica is one that you cannot help but be touched by. This might sound like typical Walt Disney material but director Frank Marshall and his creative team have produced a family movie that everyone will enjoy.

Watching the eight dogs battle for survival against the harsh wilderness of the Antarctic winter is a roller coaster ride of adventure and emotions. Even the most hardened dog hater will find it hard not to be touched by their blight as these eight huskies try to find food to survive for over five months. These are some of the most adorable dogs you will ever see but not a cute way but in a working dog way meaning it is their courage that instantly draws you to them. The eight of them are supremely well trained and actually act their roles extremely well, making them just as much characters as the human cast members.

The human cast members provide the supporting story to the dogs and it does distract too much from the from their survival fight. The jury as always been out on the acting talents of Paul Walker and as Jerry Shepherd he won't win any awards but he does do his best with the material. You do believe that he adores the dogs however and his motivation to get back to them. Bruce Greenwood is believable as a scientist. Jason Biggs provides move of the laughs are cartographer Charlie Cooper and Moon Bloodgood looks makes an impact as pilot Katie. The problem is that his just feels like an interruption of the main story and one that you really don't want to see.

Capturing the grandeur and scope of the Antarctic settling with some stunning cinematography, Frank Marshall and his production team have produced a family film that you cannot help but enjoy. While it might be slightly overlong, you will be touched by this story of canine survival and it will be one that will stay with you for a very long time.


Presented in Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85:1 with Dolby Digital 5.1, the movie is presented well.


Deleted Scenes (9.32 mins)
Entitled 'Breakfast at the Base', 'Russian Fish Hut', 'Jerry wants to stay', 'Cooper throws up' and 'Jerry meets Captain', these deleted or extended scenes have optional commentary by director Frank Marshall.

Running with the Dogs: The Making of Eight Below (10.44 mins)
Director Frank Marshall, writer Dave Digilio, producers Patrick Crowley and David Hoberman, animal trailers Tommy V. Blackburn, Mark Forbes, Mike Alexander and Jamie Ross and stars Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood, Jason Biggs and Moon Bloodgood come together to talk about 'Eight Below'. We discover how Canada, Greenland and stock footage were utilised to create Antarctica and the training the cast and crew how to go through to film in the cold. The featurette mainly concentrates on the dogs however, revealing how they were trained with the actors and the numerous dogs that played the huskies in the film.

Audio Commentary with director Frank Marshall, actor Paul Walker and director of photography Don Burgess
In a fun and informative commentary, the director, star and cinematographer reveal behind the scene secrets from the production of 'Eight Below'. Explaining how they created many of the shots and the visuals of the film, the commentary, of course, concentrates on the dogs and what it was like to work with them. This is a good commentary track that fans of the film will enjoy.

Previews of 'The Shaggy Dog', 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', 'The Greatest Game Ever Played', 'Glory Road', 'Chicken Little' and 'Bambi 2'


The DVD package for 'Eight Below' might be very stereotypical with a commentary, featurette and deleted scenes but each of them is enjoyable. You might have been expecting a little more from a Disney release however.



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