Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Michael Richards

Created by:
Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David

Out to buy on DVD 04/06/07

The Foundation
After a summer of grieving, George is ready to move on with his life, but a comment Jerry makes to the Ross's inspires them to start a foundation in Susan's memory. Jerry, who has broken off his engagement to Jeanie, does research into what sort of break-up story makes a man most appealing to women. Elaine becomes president of J Peterman when a burnt out Peterman flees to Burma.

The Soul Mate
George thinks the foundation lawyer thinks he might have killed Susan, Jerry suggests using a method employed by Jerry Lewis to find out. Kramer falls for Jerry's girlfriend and he consults Newman for advice. Elaine's friends insist that she have a baby, she'd rather not and meets a man who shares her ideals.

The Bizarro Jerry
Kramer uses a bathroom in an office building and just begins working there. He is "TCB." Elaine sets Jerry up with a friend who is very beautiful, but she has "man hands." George uses a picture of her and passes her off as his dead finance Susan; that gets him into the "Forbidden City" where high priced models hang out. Elaine meets Kevin and some of his friends; they are the exact opposite of Jerry, George and Kramer.

The Little Kicks
Elaine reluctantly lets George attend a party she is throwing at work. "Sweet fancy Moses" exclaims George when he sees Elaine dance at a party she's holding for her employees. She wonders why they've lost respect for her. Jerry gets 2 tickets to a premiere of a film. Kramer asks him to get an extra ticket for his friend Brody. Elaine thinks the loss of respect might be due to George's influence, so she makes him off limits to Anna, one of the women George talked to at the party. That "bad boy" image makes him all the more desirable.

The Package
Elaine has a rash and looks for a doctor who will treat her; despite her doctor -- patient relationship reputation. Kramer offers Jerry a method to get a refund on his stereo that is two years out of warranty. George discovers the woman at the photo store is looking at his pictures. Jerry refuses delivery of a package with no return address.

The Fatigues
Kramer volunteers to cook dinner for a Jewish singles function, and tries to recruit Frank Costanza to help him. George has to speak to the Yankees front office on the topic of Risk Management, but has trouble learning the material. Jerry's is intrigued that his girlfriend has a mentor - that is, until he finds out that the mentor is dating Bania. Elaine is forced to deal with a fatigue-wearing, deranged employee.

The Checks
Jerry receives countless 12-cent royalty checks for a clip of him used in a Japanese TV show. Kramer befriends a group of Japanese tourists, which leads George to try to revive the pilot of "Jerry" to air in Japan. Meanwhile, Elaine deals with a boyfriend who's obsessed with a furniture designer and the song "Desperado."

The Chicken Roaster
George reveals a strategy to guarantee a second date with women - leaving an object behind at their place. However, this strategy gets Elaine into trouble, when George leaves behind a sable hat she shouldn't have charged to the Peterman expense account. Meanwhile, the red neon sign of a new Kenny Rogers Roasters restaurant beams directly into Kramer's apartment. Jerry and Kramer then switch apartments, and end up switching personalities as well.

The Abstinence
George's girlfriend has mononucleosis and he can't have sex with her for six weeks. Elaine's met a doctor who's almost gotten his license to practice. Jerry agrees to appear at career day at his former junior high school, first he is bumped and then there is a fire drill. Kramer lights up a cigar in Monk's and is asked to leave. He meets others on the street who face his dilemma so he opens up his apartment as a smoking lounge.

The Andrea Doria
George is excited about the new apartment he is going to move into. Elaine is on a blind date, now called a "set-up." Jerry takes Kramer to his self-storage where they discover that Newman has been hiding bags of mail. George finds out he can't get his apartment because the tenant association is going to give it to an Andrea Doria survivor. Elaine is told her date won't be making it because he's been stabbed. She is aroused by the situation. Kramer's cold is getting bad and he's not going to the doctor, they botched his vasectomy, he's more potent now than ever.

The Little Jerry
Jerry is humiliated when his clown-pattern bounced cheque is displayed publicly at a local store. Elaine's boyfriend, who shaves his head, is shocked when he learns he's going naturally bald. George enjoys the freedom of dating a convict. Meanwhile, Kramer's desire for fresh eggs leads him to buy his own chicken. However, it turns out to be a rooster with a knack for fighting.

The Money
Jerry's parents sell the Cadillac to Jack Klompus for $6000 in order to give Jerry some money to help him out. They along with Kramer suggest that Jerry might try a career move. Elaine talks about her Peterman stock options and buys George's coffee. He thinks she is sticking it to him. Jerry and George talk about the money their parents might have. This piques George's interest.

The Comeback
George has trouble thinking of a comeback to a comment made by Reilly; he does think of one, but it's a little to late. Jerry buys a new tennis racket from a supposed professional. Elaine and Kramer discuss video picks. Elaine prefers picks by Vincent. He prefers picks by Gene or his own. He watches his latest pick and it makes him concerned about spending the rest of his life in a coma. Elaine is intrigued when she receives a phone call from the mysterious Vincent. Jerry discovers that the tennis pro is a hack player.

The Van Buren Boys
Jerry's girlfriend, Ellen, seems perfect in every way, but everyone else seems to have a problem with her. George interviews candidates for the Foundation's first scholarship. The candidates seem over-qualified, until one comes in who is a lot like he was. Elaine is going to ghost write Peterman's biography. Kramer goes to Lorenzo's pizza, where he has an encounter with the Van Buren boys.

The Susie Kramer
decides that daylight saving time isn't coming fast enough, so he sets his watch ahead an hour. Mike, the guy who once referred to Jerry as "a phony," has become a bookie. Peggy, a co-worker of Elaine's calls her "Susie." George is excited about Steinbrenner's ball. He hopes to show off his tall blonde girlfriend with a grand entrance. Instead, she says she wants to talk. He runs away.

The Pothole
Elaine wants to have some Chinese food delivered, but lives just outside the delivery zone. In order to fool the delivery man, she pretends that the janitor closet in the building across the street is her apartment. The trouble is the landlady mistakes her for the janitor. Kramer joins the "adopt a highway" program, but his methods are a little unorthodox. Jerry's new girlfriend uses a toothbrush that had fallen into the toilet, which causes him more trouble than he could have imagined. George loses his keys, and by the time he finds them, they're buried at the bottom of recently filled pothole.

The English Patient
A woman mistakes George for her boyfriend Neil, a guy who looks just like him. This intrigues George; he wants to meet Neil. Jerry is going to Florida to help his parents move. Kramer asks him to pick up some Cubans from his cigar guy and also gives him a T-shirt. Elaine and her boyfriend see "The English Patient"; she absolutely hates it and that makes her unpopular and dumped. Jerry's dad gets the T-shirt, #1 Dad, that he is very proud to wear, despite its small size.

The Nap
George is tired and needs to take a nap while at work; he finds the perfect place, under his desk. Kramer has taken up swimming, but he finds the pool too constricting for his needs; he begins swimming in the East River. Elaine's date is worried about his back and hers; he sends her a mattress and she gets the wrong idea. She gives the mattress to Kramer. Jerry is getting new kitchen cabinets, but the contractor is constantly asking him questions. George gets Jerry's contractor to make some modifications for his desk, including space for an alarm clock.

The Yada Yada
After Tim Whatley converts to Judaism, Jerry gets a sneaking suspicion that his motivation was the ability to tell Jewish jokes. Kramer and Mickey ask out two girls, but can't decide who will date which. Elaine tries to help some friends adopt a baby, but soon sees that she's in for more than she'd bargained for. Meanwhile, George isn't sure what to make of his latest girlfriend's frequent use of the phrase, "Yada yada yada…"

The Millennium
Elaine gets bad service at a clothing store, so she begins shopping at another similar store. Jerry notices that he is on his girlfriend's speed dial. Kramer plans for his millennium New Year's Eve party two years in advance and he has some strange ideas about what life in that year will be like. George is "offered" a position as director of scouting by the Mets. To get the position, he must be fired by the Yankees.

The Muffin Tops
Upon learning that his stories were used in the Peterman autobiography, Kramer declares himself the "Real Peterman" and begins his own reality bus tour. When George is asked to watch a suitcase for a tourist that never claims it, George begins wearing his clothes, and starts up a relationship with a tourism director. Mr Lippman steals Elaine's idea for a business selling muffin tops, and brings her into the business for her muffin expertise. A shaving mishap leads Jerry to shave his chest.

The Summer of George
Receiving three months pay as a severance package from the Yankees, George decides to make the most of his summer. Jerry asks out a waitress, but when she accepts, he's surprised to learn that she already has a live-in boyfriend. Elaine has trouble dealing with a female co-worker, but the situation is perceived by others as a "catfight". Kramer gets a job filling seats at the Tony Awards, and ends up receiving an award himself.

There is one word that sums up every single season of the immortally good 'Seinfeld' and that word is consistency because this show is consistently funny.

One, if not the, most consistently funny show in the history of television is definitely 'Seinfeld'. The show about nothing is one of the most beloved comedy shows of all time but thing it had above all over shows was the fact that every single episode is completely hilarious. With a guarantee of at least one laugh out loud moment for every show, Jerry Seinfeld and his writing team have created something truly unique in the world of comedy, a series that was brilliantly funny for its entire nine year run.

The key to this success is the ensemble cast of Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Michael Richards. As Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer, the four lived and breathed the characters, completely comfortable after seven award-winning seasons. The eighth year of the run, sees some absolute classic episodes and ones that have become firm favourites of the shows millions of devotees.

Each character has a theme for the season. George is coping with the death of Susan but also sees some opportunities. Elaine takes over at J Peterman's and thinks she might have to reassess her friendship with the boys if she is ever going to find someone. Jerry continues to find fault every woman he ever dates and has a few financial problems that his parents think they can sort out. Kramer is just Kramer, viewing the world in his own unique style. This makes for season full of classic episodes. Highlights for season eight includes episodes that are firm favourites with fans. From the brilliance of 'The Bizarro Jerry', were Elaine meets some new friends that are the complete opposite of the boys. 'The Checks' were Jerry becomes a star in Japan. Kramer training a roaster for the fights in 'The Little Jerry'. Jerry's parents trying to solves his money problems in 'The Money'. Elaine hatred getting the better of her in 'The English Patient'. Seeing George go to extremes in 'The Nap'. The show that sparked a catch phrase in 'The Yada Yada' and an amazing business idea 'The Muffin Tops'.

'Seinfeld' is without doubt the best comedy show ever to grace television. The eight season just continued to prove this, with some classic episodes and the ensemble cast is one of the best in comedy history. There is just one word for this show and that is 'Brilliant'.


Presented in full screen 4:3 with Dolby stereo soundtrack, the series looks great.


Jerry Seinfeld: Submarine Captain (23.25 mins)
Directors Andy Ackerman and Tom Cherones, executive producers Howard West, George Shapiro and Larry David, Castle Rock executive Rob Reiner, NBC executive Warren Littlefield, writer Carol Leifer and stars Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jerry Stiller, John O'Hurley, Len Lesser and Bryan Cranston talk passionately about what Jerry Seinfeld brought to the show and how he was unlike any other star working in television at the time. The featurette also cover the departure of Larry David at the end of the seventh season and the impact it had on the final two seasons of the show.

Yada Yada Yada Commentaries
Listen to commentaries for the episodes 'Bizarro Jerry', 'Little Kicks', 'The Fatigues', 'The Checks', 'Chick Roaster', 'The Abstinence', 'The Comeback', 'The Susie' and 'The Pothole', with contribution for Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and the cast and crew. Each track is both insightful and extremely funny.

Inside Looks
View mini featurettes with the cast and crew for the episodes 'The Foundation', 'Bizarro Jerry', 'Little Kicks', 'The Fatigues', 'The Chicken Roaster', 'The Abstinence', 'The Comeback', 'The Money', 'The Van Buren Boys' and 'The Pothole'.

In the Vault (Deleted Scenes)
View deleted scenes from the episodes 'The Foundation', 'The Package', 'The Fatigues', 'The Chicken Roaster', 'Little Jerry', 'The Comeback', 'The Money', 'The Van Buren Boys' and 'The English Patient'

Notes about nothing
Watch the episodes with snippets of information presented via text on the screen

Watch animated sequences from season eight, as we see Jerry and Kramer's stories come to life.


The DVD treatment for the 'Seinfeld' box sets are some of the best ever for TV series. Setting the standard for commentaries and other bonus features, this is how a series should be presented on DVD and fans of this classic show will be extremely pleased to know that the quality continues.


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